Slash Gerry

Gerry McKieran is renowned for bulk posts to a many library- related lists around the world. He also fails to engage with
discussions on lists.

In 2008 he was banned from the LIS-E-BOOKS JISCMail list after complaints and a failure to respond to a list-owners request to desist from nuisance posts (see;4f282a5.1007).

Note that a search for messages posted by gerrymck@IASTATE.EDU show that there have been 20 posts to date in March 2012 to the LIS-LINK list and 23 to the LIS-E-RESOURCES list.

Unfortunately has Gerry McKieran re-emerged and has resumed submitting message which promote his blogs across a number of JISCMail lists.

This voting form has been set up to gauge people's views on appropriate response. The results will be made available to members of the lists.